Ideal Dating Profile

  1. What Is A Good Dating Profile
  2. Perfect Dating Profile Examples
  3. Perfect Dating Profile Samples
  4. Dating Profiles For Men

After you read advice on writing a great online dating profile to attract women you should be ready to apply this advice and write your own great dating profile. I am a big fan of learning what’s a good through making a contrast between good and bad.


So, lets look at a few typical examples of bad profiles:

The ideal profile length. The ideal profile length for men is just under 300 words (296 to be precise), while the ideal length for women’s profiles is just over 200 words. One of the male profiles was over 700 words long, which we would normally say is too long, but in some cases it works. These 3 funny online dating profile examples for men have the perfect balance of humor and seriousness that works every time: Match Profile Example If you’re on a paid dating site like, chances are you’re looking for a more long-term relationship – and she probably is too. 6 Tips For Writing The Perfect Online Dating Profile 06:53 pm ET Updated Aug 25, 2016 If you are looking for love online, a great profile is key. Of course you need compelling photos, but those who are looking for a real relationship will look beyond a pretty face to find out what you are about. Dating Profile Example #8. Profile Text: “Simple kind of man!”. I guess one way to prove you are a simple kind of man is with a headline and profile that doesn’t use more than five words. My best online dating advice to someone who wants to use a profile like this is to not bother with online dating.

“I am not good at writing about myself, but my friends say that I am intelligent, professional, educated and ambitious. I like sports and good wine. I am looking to a meet an intelligent, beautiful woman for dating and relationship.” – at first, this looks like a well-written profile by a guy who seems to have head on his shoulders. However, it has one major flaw that will make many women skip over it. It’s way too typical and generic. It looks just like a thousand of other profiles. There is nothing “catchy” about this profile – there is nothing that would compel a reader to stop and respond to it.

Lets look at another bad profile:

“I went to school in the east coast, but now I work for a major software company where I work up the corporate ladder. I very busy. I love hiking, watching baseball, and bbq on weekends.” – the writer must be reminded that this is a dating profile – not a resume or a sales presentation in front of his human resources department. Again, this profile has a very weak beginning…. as a rule, you should never start your profile by talking about school or work, as it’s not interesting and not really relevant to what you should be trying to achieve – to catch a woman’s attention.”

“I love to have fun, party, dance, and drink of my buddies. If you wanna hang out sometimes, holler at me…” – unless you are in a fraternity, you should never come across as someone who has nothing else to him but getting drunk and leading a lifestyle devoid of any real goals or ambition.

Now, lets look at an example of a profile that will stand out through both the way they are written and their content. Some women will think of the writer of the profiles below as weird, but… ideally you shouldn’t be interested in “most” women anyway, but you should be targeting those women with your profile that you believe you will get along and will have a connection – whether you are looking for a short-term dating, a lifetime partnership or anything in between:

“About Me:

I would hate to bore you by telling you how wonderful I am by attaching to my name a bunch of flattering adjectives. I am sure that you have already found this about two hundred times in all the other profiles. I believe that words are cheap, but actions speak much louder, so why bother? So, why not start with a bad stuff – I am impulsive and restless at times, I can’t kill a fly, I cried twice like a girl when I watched “Notebook,” I cuss too often, and stay up way too late way too often. There is something about the nighttime that I find magic, if you will, which keeps me up working or hanging out aimlessly. Can you relate? I have little patience for flakes and fake people – those who smile while being angry on the inside, as I never know what they keep up their sleeve. How about you? What annoyed you today? And what made you weak in your knees from joy and pleasure?

What Is A Good Dating Profile

About You:

You are curious about the world around you. You can take a joke and are not easily offended. You believe that sarcasm is a spice of life. You can spell, and are generally happy. The rest is negotiable.

First Date:

I don’t think it matters what we do on a first date, and I am a big fan of simplicity, so a coffee and walk would be just fine.”

This is just one example of a profile that will stand out as different and arguable better than most other pages written by guys on the online dating sites. It has a strong, unique beginning, interesting content, and a few questions at the end to “help” a woman start her response.

When most people think of a first date (or a second or a third) getting drinks is usually the go-to idea. It’s simple, casual, and easy to bail out of if things don’t go as well as you’d hoped. But is getting drinks really what most women want to do on a date? To help figure out what the best first date ideas are according to real women, we turned to the online dating site Zoosk and what we found may surprise you.

To find out what women really want, Zoosk looked at profiles of women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s to find out what the most common words and phrases women mentioned while describing their ideal date. Here’s what they found, along with a few key takeaways:

Coffee or dinner is better than drinks.

Across all age-groups the two most popular date ideas were coffee or dinner, so don’t be afraid to go for that dinner date! Especially if you’re dating someone in her 20s or 30s, since younger women mention dinner most often when describing their ideal date. Getting a drink or drinks was still a popular choice but ranked 4th through 8th depending on the age-group.

Perfect Dating Profile Examples

Going for a walk is always a good idea.
A good, simple date idea that you might not have thought of is going for a walk. After dinner and coffee, a walk was the third most popular date idea for women in their 30s, 50s, and 60s and ranked 4th with women in their 20s.

Better yet, make that a walk on the beach.
Women of all age groups mentioned the beach as a great venue for a date. (I guess some classic date ideas never go out of style.)

It’s all about the conversation.
Whatever location you pick, make sure you have a good spot to talk and get to know each other. High on the list for every age group was conversation or being able to talk. Another word that come up often with women in their 30s and up was quiet, so when choosing a bar or restaurant, you might want to go for something less busy and a little more intimate.

Women like their wine.
Though women in their 40s did mention pub as a popular date option, wine was by far more popular and a common phrase across all age groups.

Women in their 20s and 30s like to be surprised.
Lots of women mentioned they like romantic dates but women in their 20s and 30s also mentioned that they like being surprised. Try planning a little something extra or just don’t tell her exactly where you’re going until you get there.

Perfect Dating Profile Samples

Ideal Dating Profile

Women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s like to go dancing.
All age-groups mentioned go to see some live music as a good idea but older women in particular were ready to get on the dance floor. Dancing ranked among one of the top ideas.

Overall, when planning your date, some of the best date ideas are the more traditional ones—movies, picnics, long walks on the beach, good food, and good conversation always makes for a good time.

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